Go Ask Your Dad

It’s here!!!  I just received my copies of the book of which I am one of the 22 contributors, Go Ask Your Dad.  I am honored and humbled to be included in this book in which 22 Daddies shatter all the stereotypes of daddies in their own poignant, funny, moving stories.  A must read for Mommies as well as all Daddies out there.

Thanks to Dominick Domasky for pulling this book together.  I congratulate all contributing author/Daddies for sharing their personal stories.  For your own autographed copy, you can PM me on Facebook or DM me on Twitter, @DaddyisBest, for all the details.  Our family pic is on the back cover.

It is also available on Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Your-Dad-Questions-Fatherhood-ebook/dp/B01EJ2BT36?ie=UTF8&keywords=go%20ask%20your%20dad&qid=1463785256&ref_=sr_1_1&s=books&sr=1-1

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