The new App for Android, that is.
I have an older droid phone. Older meaning at least three years old which translates into dinosaur age for technology. But, wouldn’t you know it? I downloaded the new App with ease!! In technical terms, easy peasy!!!
You can check out all the cool stuff with goHappy on my blog post here:
The Perfect App for Playdates – goHappy
It will tell you the amazing things you can do with Go Happy to not only to keep in touch with loved ones, but also schedule time with them!
You can download the new App for Android here:
Let’s look at the process a little bit.
Download the App. You are probably already familiar with the process of how to do that. If not, go to Google Store on your phone and hit the download button on the link. You must have a 4.1 operating system or better to do this. But, you probably do if you’ve bought your phone in the past several years. If you don’t have that operating system, the download will prompt you. In which case your first step is to get a new phone! (I’m not preaching here since I have an “older” phone:)
Once the app is downloaded, it will prompt with you on what you want to do, or more accurately it will say, What do you want to do? Choose a plan, share a moment, etc.
You can upload pictures, schedule a playdate or enter important birthdays, anniversaries, etc. It’s as simple and easy as that!
And the good news is that the App is available today!!! It’s been months in preparation and today is the day.
So, what are you waiting for?
Find the time. Share the fun.